Employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and financial performance An empirical examination. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction, and to examine the impact of both on a hospitality companys financial performance utilizing service profit chain framework as the theoretical base. Specifically, this study explores four major relationships 1 the direct relationship between customer satisfaction and financial performance 2 the direct relationship between employee satisfaction and financial performance 3 the direct relationship between customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction and 4 the indirect relationship between employee satisfaction and financial performance. Furthermore, this study examines the mediating role of customer satisfaction on the indirect relationship between employee satisfaction and financial performance. Data for this study was collected from employees, customers and managers of three and four star hotels. Structural equation modeling SEM with a two step approach was utilized to empirically test the proposed hypotheses and the relationships between the constructs. Business Research Methods Zikmund Pdf Free' title='Business Research Methods Zikmund Pdf Free' />Research on the benefits of the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement TFTA Research on the. Research Methods for business. About the Authors Doret Botha School of Social and Government Studies, NorthWest University, South Africa. Review of the literature. Globalization and free trade continue to change the business environment and increase global competition. In todays business. Findings suggest that while customer satisfaction has positive significant impact on financial performance, employee satisfaction has no direct significant impact on financial performance. Instead, there is an indirect relationship between employee satisfaction and financial performance, which is mediated by customer satisfaction. An investigation into the factors affecting knowledge management adoption and practice in the life insurance business. Concepts and practices evolved through the 1. Drucker, 1. 99. 3 Earl, 2. The nature of knowledge has been described as justified true belief Nonaka Takeuchi, 1. Nonetheless, definitions of knowledge range from complex, accumulated expertise that resides in individuals and is partly of largely inexpressible to much more structured and explicit content Davenport Prusak, 1. Becerra Fernandez Sabherwal, 2. According to Davenport and Prusak 1. Moreover, Bollinger and Smith 2. For example, in the case of life insurance business, knowledge comprises the familiarity and professional capability in underwriting, claim, customer services and so on. KM has also been defined in numerous ways depending on the purpose of research. Alavi and Leidner 1. KM as a systemic and organizationally specified process for acquiring, organizing and communicating both tacit and explicit knowledge for employees so that other employees may make use of it to be more effective and productive at work. Duffy 1. 99. 9 describes KM as a process capitalizing on organizational intellect and experience to drive innovations. The American Productivity Quality Center 2. KM is the strategies and processes of identifying, capturing and leveraging knowledge to help the firm compete. Earl 2. 00. 1 suggests that KM can be viewed from seven dimensions with their focuses as follows i system technology ii cartographic maps iii engineering processes iv commercial income v organizational networks vi spatial space and vii strategic mindset namely, it aims at knowledge capability and knowledge is seen as a key resource and KM as a way to gain competitive advantage. This research mainly takes the strategic standpoints and adopts the definition, as stated earlier in the introduction, proposed by Carlsson 2. Managing knowledge well can develop new opportunities, creating value for customers, obtaining competitive advantages or improving performance Lloria, 2. An investigation into the factors affecting knowledge management adoption and practice in the life insurance business. The activities of KM include knowledge capture, documentation, retrieval and reuse, creation, transfer and sharing of its knowledge assets integrated in its operational and business processes Dayan Evans, 2. The processes of KM adoption and practice would involve the systematic organization, planning, scheduling, monitoring, and deployment of people, processes, technology and environment, with appropriate targets and feedback mechanisms, to facilitate the retention, sharing, identification, acquisition, utilization of knowledge and new ideas, in order to achieve strategic aims, for example, improved competitiveness or improved performance, subject to financial, legal, resource, political, technical, cultural and societal constrains Lehaney et al., 2. The empirical studies on KM in Taiwan are summarized in Table 1. Digi 002 Pro Tools 8 Le Compatibility. Most of the existing research in Taiwan centres on the subjects of KM strategies and their effects on performance. Few studies were found to investigate the external factors that could affect KM applications via employees perceptions. However, the review identifies the significance of KM strategies and mechanisms with their influences on performance, and reveals a list of external factors affecting the adoption and practice of KM in a context of the organizations in Taiwan. Table 1. Empirical studies on KM in Taiwan.
Business Research Methods Zikmund Pdf Free