Visit this site for famous William Shakespeare Quotes and Quotations from the play Macbeth. Educational resource for famous William Shakespeare Quotes and Quotations. Most Famous Quotations From Macbeth With Explanation. Considered among William Shakespeares greatest work, Macbeth is laden with some of the most powerful lines ever written. Some of the lines used in the play have become idioms while others are often quoted by people in general conversation. Here are 1. 0 of the most famous quotation from this dark and powerful play. Yet do I fear thy nature, It is too full o th milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way. Lady Macbeth Act I, Scene VSarah Siddons who is famous for her portrayal of Lady Macbeth. This line is said by Lady Macbeth after she reads a letter from her husband informing her of the prophecy of the witches which say that Macbeth would be King. She is excited by the letter but fears that Macbeth is too full of the milk of human kindness or of too good a nature, to take the shortest route to the crown which would be to eliminate the king and seize the throne. Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under t. Lady Macbeth Act I, Scene VThis line is said by Lady Macbeth during a speech in which she is convincing her husband to pretend like a perfect host when King Duncan visits them to hide their true purpose of murdering Duncan. Below is a selection of quotes from Macbeth that No Sweat Shakespeare users have asked us to translate into plain English Shakespeares Macbeth Quote. Macbeth Act 3. Macbeth is considered among the greatest tragedies written by William Shakespeare. Here are 10 most famous quotations from this dark and powerful play. A collection of quotes from Macbeth, a play by William Shakespeare. Hence she tells Macbeth to look like an innocent flower but be like the serpent which hides underneath it. Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth. Second Apparition Act IV, Scene IA painting by William Rimmer depicting the witches conjuring of an apparition. The bloody child is the second of the three apparitions that the witches conjure for Macbeth and it is perhaps the most famous. It tells Macbeth to be confident and without fear, for no person who is born of a woman can harm him. This convinces Macbeth that he is invincible as he would never be killed by another man. He chooses to neglect the first apparition which warned him of Macduff and doesnt realize that the bloody child is in fact the infant Macduff covered with the blood of the untimely ripped womb of his mother. Theres daggers in mens smiles. The near in blood, The nearer bloody. Donalbain Act II, Scene IIIThis line is said by the younger son of King Duncan in a conversation with his elder brother after their fathers murder. Donalbain suspects that the people who surround them and are acting kindly contain among them the person who murdered their father. He says that daggers are present in mens smile probably referring to the canines which show when one smiles and implying that not everyone who acts friendly is a friend. The near in blood, the nearer bloody implies that beware of the ones who are in the closest relation with you as they are most likely to betray and murder you. Let fall thy blade on vulnerable crests I bear a charmed life, which must not yield to one of woman born. Macbeth Act V, Scene VIIIMacbeth and Banquo with the Witches by Henry Fuseli. This line is spoken by Macbeth when Macduff challenges him. He says that let your blade fall on chests that are vulnerable or fight with someone who can be defeated. Start studying Macbeth quotes. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Find the quotes you need in William Shakespeares Macbeth, sortable by theme, character, or scene. From the creators of SparkNotes. He adds that he leads a charmed life which cant be ended by anyone born of a woman. Macbeth gets this illusion of being invincible due to the second apparition which states that none of woman born shall harm Macbeth. Macduff then states that he was not born but cut out of his mothers womb before she could bear him naturally. This quote gave rise to the famous phrase charmed life. Though charmed meant magical in Shakespeares times, the phrase was extended to mean anyone who was lucky and escaped danger narrowly. Fair is foul, and foul is fair The Witches Act I, Scene IAmong the last lines in Scene I of Act I, this famous quote is said by the witches and sets the tone of the play. It could be simply deciphered as what is fair or pretty will become foul or ugly and vice versa, i. It could be also interpreted as suggesting that Macbeths world will become upside down and he will do things he considers foul or unfair disregarding what appears fair to him. This line is among the most important in Macbeth and can be considered closest to describing the theme of the play. Macbeth King of Scotland in 1. To know my deed, twere best not know myself. Macbeth Act II, Scene IIThis famous quote is spoken by Macbeth in the scene where he returns after killing Duncan in his sleep. A guide to Macbeths character development, quotebyquote. The best resource for Macbeth ambition quotes with character analysis. Significant quotes in William Shakespeares Macbeth with explanations. Lady Macbeth Things without all remedy should be without regard. Whats done is done. Macbeth Quotes' title='Macbeth Quotes' />Macbeth is stating that it would be better if he was completely unaware of himself than to be conscious and think of the crime he had committed. He doubts whether he knows the man who committed the crime. The quote reflects that although Macbeth chooses to realize his ambition by unethical means, he is also aware of his wrongdoing. Out, out, brief candle Lifes but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. Macbeth Act V, Scene VFilm adaptation of Macbeth 1. Orson Welles. This quote is from one of the most famous soliloquies in Macbeth. It is spoken by Macbeth after he hears that his wife has committed suicide and he also knows that armies are marching against him. He says that days on this world are short, a brief candle and ultimately one is enveloped in darkness. He compares life to an unimportant actor, a walking shadow for the character he plays. This insignificant actor struts and frets his hour upon the stage or is proud and anxious for the small part he has to perform on stage and then he is heard no more. He then compares life to the tale told by a director which is full of noise and passion but ultimately it signifies nothing. Comparing life to theatre, Shakespeare not only questions the purpose of life but also gives a reminder of the illusionary nature of theatre. Heres the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Lady Macbeth Act V, Scene IThe Sleepwalking Lady Macbeth by Johann Heinrich Fussli. This line is from the famous sleepwalking scene after which Lady Macbeth commits suicide off stage. It is part of what is considered one of the greatest passages capturing guilt in English literature. Lady Macbeth is traumatized and guilt ridden and she says that she cannot get rid of the smell of blood from her hands, not even if all the perfumes of Arabia are applied to it. This is in sharp contrast to her statement to Macbeth when he murdered Duncan where she said a little water clears us of this deed. Knowing that she was the prime force that led Macbeth to this murderous path, her guilt dominates her thoughts and she is unable to turn away from what she now considers sins. Things without all remedy should be without regard whats done, is done. Lady Macbeth Act III, Scene IILady Macbeth says these lines to her husband in an effort to make him get over the guilt and fear he is experiencing due to the murder he has committed. She says that things which cannot be remedied should not be given regard to or you shouldnt think about things which you cant rectify. She adds whats done, is done implying that theres no changing the past, so forget about it and move on. Although Shakespeare didnt coin the phrase whats done, is done but Macbeth remains one of the first recorded use of it and it definitely made the phrase popular. Translation of Macbeth Quotes to Modern English. Over the years No Sweat Shakespeare users have asked us to translate many quotes from Macbeth into plain English. The list below links to the most popular Macbeth quotes and their modern English translation, whilst underneath those is a selection of other, shorted Macbeth quotes translated. Shakespeares Macbeth Quote. Macbeth Act 3 Scene 1. Now, if you have a station in the file. Not i the worst rank of manhood, say t. Plain English Macbeth quote. Now, if you have a place in humanity thats not at the very bottom of the pile, tell me. Shakespeares Macbeth Quote. Yet do I fear thy nature. It is too full of the milk of human kindnessPlain English Macbeth Quote. Lady Macbeth thinks that Macbeth isnt tough enough to kill Duncan. Shes thinking that she has no confidence in him because he doesnthave it in him to do it. He is too full of kindness. Milk is a sweetthing to feed babies on and shes using that metaphor. Shakespeares Macbeth Quote. To The Last syllable of recorded time,And all our yesterdays have lighted fools. The way to dusty death. Out, out brief candle Lifes but a walking shadow, a poor player. That struts and frets his hour upon the stage. Plain English Macbeth Quote. How the days stretched out each one the same as the one before, and they would continue to do so, tediously, until the end of history. And every day we have lived has been the last day of some other fools life, each day a dot of candle light showing him the way to his death bed. Blow the short candle out life was no more than a walking shadow a poor actor who goes through all the emotions in one hour on the stage and then bows out. It was a story told by an idiot, full of noise and passion, but meaningless. Shakespeares Macbeth Quote. Macbeth ourself will mingle with you and play the huble host,he said. Plain English Macbeth Quote. At the banquet Macbeth greets his guests and says I will be a good host and move around among you. Shakespeares Macbeth Quote. Sleep shall neither night nor day Hang upon his penthouse lid. He shall live a man forbid. Weary seven nights nine times nine Shall he dwindle, peak, and pine. Thought his bark cannot be lost, Yet it shall be tempest tost. Plain English Macbeth quote. This is one of the witches talking about what they are going to do to Macbeth. Shes saying He wont be able to sleep during the night or during the day. He will be shunned by everyone. The weeks will drag while he loses his power and suffer depression. Although he wont be easily defeated he will have a very difficult time. Shakespeares Macbeth Quoteok i have three quotes that i need help with with three parts to it. Quote 1 The time has been That, when the brains were out, the man would die, And there an end. With twenty mortal murders on their crowns And push from our stools. Quote 2 Thou hast it now King, Cawdor, Glamis, all As the Weird Women promise, and I fear And playedst foully for t. Quote 3 I am in blood Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go oer. I really appreciate it. I need it real fast to. Thank you again. Caitlin. Plain English Macbeth quote. Quote 1 After he has seen the ghost and everyone has gone Macbeth says to Lady Mabeth There was a time when a man would die when his brains had been knocked out and that would be the end of it, but these days they rise again, with twenty fatal gashes on their heads, and push us off our chairs. Quote 2 Banquo says this to himself after Macbeth has become king You have it all now king, Cawdor, Glamis, everything, just as the weird women predicted, and I fear that you have done some evil to get it. Quote 3 Before sending men to kill Macduff, Mabeth tells Lady Macbeth I have stepped so far into blood that I should try and wade back going back would be as difficult as going on with it. Shakespeares Macbeth Quote. Banquo And oftentime, to win us to or harms, The instruments of darkness tell us truths. Plain English Macbeth quote. The forces of evil often tell us the truth in order to destroy us. Shakespeares Macbeth Quote. Come, well to sleep. My strange and self abuse. Is the initiate fear that wants hard use We are yet but young in deed. Ami. Plain English Macbeth quote. Come, lets go to bed. My strange self delusions are the fears of someone new to this and in need of experience. Weve only just started on this course. Automated Logic Web Ctrl Login. Shakespeares Macbeth Quote. Hi guys,I was looking at some help translating a few things from macbeth. I need some help with Act 1 Scene 7 from lines 1 to 2. Act 3 scene 1 from lines 4. Thanks Alan. Plain English Macbeth quote. Macbeth Act 1 S cene VII, Lines 1 2. Macbeth swept his plate aside and tapped distractedly on the table. He got up and, pushing past the people in his way, made it to the door and out into the fresh air of the courtyard. What should he do He faced the tower wall and pressed his forehead against it. If it could be all finished and done with when its done then it may as well be done quickly. If only the repercussions of the murder could be controlled. If only all the danger could end with Duncans death. If only the death blow could be the end of it. If only we could escape the consequences of our actions here on earth skip the life to come. Macbeth climbed up to the battlements and looked up at the sky. There were no stars. The trouble was that we have choice we have freedom of choice. But if we choose violent options they come back to plague us. And it was that law, that even handed justice, that was the problem. When we poison others we poison ourselves. Duncan. Macbeth sighed. What was he to doThe King trusted him completely. For two very good reasons first as Macbeth was his cousin and his subject both very powerful arguments against murder and then as he was Duncans host, who should shut the door against his murderer, not bear the knife himself Macbeth walked slowly down the stairs and back into the courtyard. And anyway, Duncan was so gentle as a man, and so strong as a king, that his virtues would cry out for revenge at the brutality of his death. There would be outrage at the slaughter of such a good man everyone would be so filled with pity that the whole nation would grieve. No, there was no excuse only vaulting ambition, which threatened to overreach itself and bring him crashing down. Act 3 Scene I, Lines 4. While the attendant was gone Macbeth paced. It was all very well to put on a pleasant face for his guests but that wasnt how he felt. He was on edge. To become king was nothing. But to stay king thats what really mattered. Banquo was the problem. He was a big threat it was his great dignity that was so frightening. And he was fearless. And careful. Banquo was the only person in the world he feared and when Banquo was around he felt inferior, as Mark Antony had done in the presence of Octavius Caesar. He remembered the way Banquo had reproached the witches when theyd first put the name of king on him. And he had insisted that they speak to him. And when they did they looked respectful and hailed Banquo as the father of a line of kings. On his own head they had placed a fruitless crown and put a barren scepter in his hand To be wrenched away by a hand not of his own family none of his sons succeeding him. So it was for Banquos descendants that he had corrupted his soul. He had murdered the gracious Duncan for them Stuck thorns in his peace of mind just for them. And given his precious soul to the Devil to turn Banquos sons into kings. All that for the seed of Banquo Rather than that he would defy Fate and fight it to the death. Shakespeares Macbeth Quote. I have 2 of them, thanks Angi Macbth Act III scene iv lines 7. Blood hath shed ere now i th olden time, were human statute purged the gentle weal ay, and since too, murders have been performed too terrible for the ear.
Macbeth Quotes